collections > lords & ladies; the ship of theseus

My previous collections have been studies into the philosophical ideas and theories that contemplates truth and reality. In my earlier series ‘plato’s cave’ the question concerned truth and reality outside in the light, contrasted with shadows and falseness in the cave. This series continues this theme. ‘the ship of theseus’ asks a question about truth and reality: if something exists and all of its parts are replaced, is it truly, in reality, the same thing? ‘Things’ in our world are perceived through our senses. One of our senses is that of sight. Colour in sight is driven through the cells contained in the eye composed of rods and cones, of which the cones provide us with colour vision. If, as happens, our body parts are replaced, and new cells replace the old, are we the same, and are the visions that comprise our sight through those cells the same? In abstract this idea is most easily expressed as the artwork projects differences for all individuals, the colours arranging themselves in shapes, hues and modulations that drive the idea of evolution, adaption, change, maturation and yet, possibly the consistency of identity that ‘the ship of theseus’ challenges.